Then, just a few days later my boss told me that they are opening up a new position at every T-mobile store and if I was willing to stay I could have it. It's 20 hours a week, no evenings, and no weekends. I'd be in charge of inventory, paperwork, basically all the stuff that is handled in the back, and absolutely no sales. This position literally fell in my lap and is exactly what I've been looking for! I've never been one to stay at home too long, I quit my job a few years back and two months later I was begging for anyone to hire me. So I keep my job, my sanity, have a little bit of income coming in, and I keep all my benefits. I've never really liked the idea of government assistance, but it's time that my pride gets put aside and I do what is important for my daughter. So, beginning April 1st I'll be applying for social security, food stamps, and whatever else to keep me and Cheyanne afloat. I already have plans to get my photography up and running again, I can't believe I'm actually doing this! This is the first job I've ever had that will exclude all evenings and weekends. Cheyanne and I can do whatever we want! :)
I'm in the process of coming up with an eight week summer school course to help Cheyannie prepare for 2nd grade, along with that I'm hoping to come up with a summer bucket list. It can't be all work with out a little bit of play! As much as I hate to take away a part of her summer and make her do school work, I know she needs a little extra push and it will be the best thing for her. I may consider inviting one of her friends over a few days out of the week and they can join in on the learning, they may actually have some fun doing it! I've bought folders, cards, maps, games, and have came up with a thousand different activities thanks to pinterest. Now the real fun is actually putting it all together, I need some teachers that are good with organization!
I rarely post on here anymore so if my non-existent readers don't know, I'm applying to the OTA (Occupational Therapy Assistant) Program. If I'm accepted I should know by May-June ish. Since my Anatomy grade wasn't great, and I got my Hep B shot in a little later than expected I'm not counting on getting accepted. I'm not too sure, but I think during the meeting they said it was mandatory to have two out of the three shots in the series to be done by the time of the application. I've only had one and I have to wait two months to get my second shot. Getting finished with school is a HUGE priority of mine, but unfortunately my priorities are never in order and I tend to jump around all over the place. For now, my focus is Cheyanne. I'm not completely hopeless though, I'm hoping there is one last miracle in store for me. If not, I'm satisfied with my work miracle ;).
Lastly, I know I've said this before. I'm sure 100 times. No, make that 1,000. The ONLY way for me to help Cheyanne, to finish school, to stay happy, to give us both the life we deserve is to 'fix' myself. I'm constantly
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